【翔陽生賀】Sonnet - A Beautiful Mind

小天使,小太陽, 最強誘餌,お誕生日おめでとう!!


想寫文但是擠不出字,嘗試了一下Shakespearean Sonnet來慶生。




Birds cannot live once fallen out of the nest, 

Yet thou art a challenger of nature's quest. 

Thou jump out, flee with unfledged wings, 

Unafraid of the howling and daunting winds.



As gravity restrains all to the ground,

Mocking and despising the creation's bound.

Bones are shattered and feathers are torn,

Darkness smiles, arrving with a deafening storm.


Persistence enlightens the souls of the persistent, 

Resilience revives the bodies of the resistant.

Hope bestows thee the aegis to defense, 

Dream grants thee the lance to advance. 


     And nothing against thy shimmering plumage can withstand, 

     As the orange sun eventually rises with a grown mind of grand. 

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